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Monthly ‘Forest Finds’
Every month, we curate a breadth of resources related to the ‘theme’ for that month. From practical illustrations to thought provoking articles, these Forest Finds are worth pondering.
Real People. Real Encouragement
Chaplains from diverse backgrounds are what make the Treehouse a unique place. We have a commitment to support each other as fellow caregivers.
Regular Live Events
From guest interviews to live debates, we're regularly scheduling events to make sure the Treehouse is a place for real discussion and interaction.
Growing Database of Quality Resources
With every passing month, our curated collection of resources will continue to grow. Members have access to everything and can search and filter by topic.
Frequently Asked Questions
We’re available to answer any questions, but here are a few we’ve been asked
No. The Chaplain Treehouse is an independently owned and operated LLC registered in Minnesota that was founded in 2024 by the Rev. Karen Hutt – a clergyperson, chaplain, and ACPE Educator.
Relationship and a broad understanding of the work of chaplaincy are at the heart of the Chaplain Treehouse, however: before launching, the startup team consulted with close to 30 colleagues and friends representing a variety of religious traditions, professional contexts, and organizational affiliations across the US and the UK, seeking feedback, advice and direction. From these initial focus groups and gatherings, a community of thinkers and innovators emerged, and a core group of consultants and volunteers are now collaboratively building and managing this engagement experiment.
The Chaplain Treehouse is a membership-based subscription service and online community that is for anyone whose work could be described as chaplaincy. This includes those working in healthcare, elder care, institutions, direct service organizations, and a wide variety of community settings. Membership is open to chaplains and spiritual care providers of all and no religious traditions, at all stages of their formation, including seminarians, chaplain interns and residents, chaplain educators, credentialed chaplains, spiritual care directors, and more. There is no credentialing or ordination requirement to be part of this community.
Our goal is to provide a vibrant environment for the cultivation and sharing of ideas and practices associated with chaplaincy. We seek to stimulate conversation while entertaining theoretical constructs, practical tools, and future aspirations. We want to be a place of creativity, collaboration and true collegiality. We want to lessen the divisions created by job titles and roles in systems that prevent trans- and multi-disciplinary thinking. We want to create a healthy, thoughtful community of lifelong learners who are passionate about what chaplaincy is and what it could be.
Forest Finds is Chaplain Treehouse’s rotating collection of curated resources rooted in relevant monthly themes. Each month’s Forest Finds will include a wide variety of articles, videos, case studies, research, art, music, practical interventions, and reflection questions that you can use to pique your curiosity, deepen your spiritual care toolkit, and spark conversation within the Chaplain Treehouse and in your chaplaincy context. Forest Finds are the resource content that can help support or frame engagement. Each month the content will focus on one theme. Previous Forest Finds will be available in the Circle archive. Themes will evolve from the Treehouse community’s interests, current trends in the field, and existing chaplaincy topics. Themes include topics such as Narrative: Rituals and Symbolic Acts, Human Emotions and Feelings, Bodies, Time and Space, Human Geography, etc.
Our aim is to provide one event a week. The Events section in Circle will provide all of the information and registration links. New ideas for events from community members will always be part of the Treehouse ethos. To suggest event ideas, contact
Yes! We welcome community-sourced recommendations of events and resources as a way of sharing our collective wisdom, networks, and interests. There is a space in the Circle platform that will be dedicated to announcements. Please submit announcements for the entire community to
We also encourage collaboration. If you are working on an article, a book, a presentation, a dance routine, etc., please share what you are working on and what kind of feedback, collaboration, or engagement you are seeking from the community in the Looking for Collaborators space.
No, we do not provide our members’ personal data to anyone under any circumstances.
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