When providing spiritual care, we often receive contradictory information, or points of view that have to be sorted out by going deeper and deeper. Sometimes we discern that one of the issues might be supported by a tangent mentioned in an initial conversation, requiring us to take a wholly different path in the conversation. This Forest Find put in dialogue two points of view that can converse with each other providing an unexpected path for your care practice.
Empathy: An Ability or an Inclination?
There are debates about the down side of the empathic impulse and its use as a tool of healing.
Is empathy a skill or an inclination? A skill or a feeling?
Empathy, any chaplain will tell you, is one of the greatest tools of providing spiritual care. It is considered the heart of the profession. Despite these assumptions little systematic research exists into the functions and limitations of empathy in this profession.
Sometimes we will reference resources that support different sides of a debate. We include them as tools of discernment for you to decide for yourself what makes the most sense for your practice.
How has your understanding of your own empathic behavior changed over time? What has affected your understanding of empathy?